Friday, April 20, 2012

Friday, April 13, 2012

DIY: Starting a New Rug Project

I have been screen printing for about 6 years now, and as you can imagine I have six years of mess up clothing that I can't really sell, but I don't want to throw away because I paid for the supplies!

Well I have seen a few tee shirt rugs that I really like, and I originally wanted to make a shaggy tee shirt rug. But After wanting more of a rug that is flexible enough to throw in the wash machine (pet lovers), I realized I wanted to Crochet a rug.

I am just at the beginning stages but I cut my fabric in a continuous strip, and then just simply tie together the next strip of fabric. Right now I am rotating back and forth, cutting, then crocheting, and back to cutting, because I don't have a lot of patience and I Like to switch it up.

I love crocheting, because my mom taught me a simple stitch when I was about ten, and I have made so many blankets, and its fun to do in front of the tube, when you are watching a movie, or show, but want to sort of relax too! (and keep warm because the fabric/yarn covers your lap!)

Here is what I have so far. This is 3.5 days worth of crocheting. I do realize this is going to take me a while to get to 7 or 8 feet length. But its a fun project to do a little everyday.

Here is what you need:

1. Old Clothing, messed up experiment clothing, pants, shirts, you can probably buy some super large cheap fun colored tees at the thrift store (which i might have to do, if i run out of my own clothing)

2. Scissors

3. Large Crochet needle

4. Instructions for a basic Chain Stitch and Single Crochet Stitch, here are simple ones from The Knit Witch on youtube

5. A comfy place on the couch :)

I guess Miss Fifi wanted me to take a break so that she could take a nap on the new rug :)

Knit Witch Video

The Foundrie Re-Opening with Even More Handmade Loveliness than Before!

The Foundrie is officially opening our doors again on April 18th and our grand re-opening festivities will take place Friday - Sunday April 20-22.

The Grand Opening Party is Friday April 20th and you can rsvp under the events tab on their facebook page at

The party is from 7pm to 10pm and they will have cupcakes and cake balls provided by Whipt Cream Bakery, Schlafly Beer, music, and gift bags for the first 30 guests through the doors.

The new location is on the 2nd floor of Chesterfield Mall in the Dillard's wing. The closest mall entrance is the one by the new American Girl store and California Pizza Kitchen. Come into the mall, make a left, and The Foundrie is next door to Christopher & Banks.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

AD LOVE Changes name to Mad Love... what do you think?

Hey Everyone, So I am a Screen Printer and Designer, and after 5 years I decided to change my shop/brand name to Mad Love (AD Love was my initials). I am hoping this change will be great! But also I could use help spreading the word! (Heres my emailer link)

presents its switch over to....

Mad Love
After a long hard decision, I have decided to switch shop names to Mad Love! I hope you continue your support!
and please LIKE Mad Loves Facebook Page
to get the most recent updates and discount codes etc!

I am applying for summer festivals now, so keep in touch for updates!

thank you for your Mad Love and support!
formerly AD LOVE